We Welcome International Students to London, Ontario, Canada
It’s hard to leave your family, your friends, and everything familiar. To travel around the world to a new country and try to make it feel like home. To struggle to adjust to a new culture with new customs. To try to earn a degree at a university or college by learning in a language that’s not your native tongue.
The Friendship Partner program is designed to help. We match one or two students with a local individual or family who has lived here for some time.
You can make a new friend and experience Canadian culture in a new way!
We offer programs which will help you to adapt to life in Canada, to thrive in your life here, to improve your English and to build a strong network of relationships
Our programs include
Friendship partners – connecting interested individuals, couples and families with international students who would like a Canadian friend. This involves hospitality in sharing some meals together during the year, possibly inviting students to share in special cultural events and festivals, and English conversation practice.
International student parties – a time to enjoy potlucks and board games, and meet new Canadian friends.
Christmas Homestays - for students who are interested, we do our best to match you up with a Canadian family so that you can experience Christmas in a Canadian home.
Why we are involved
We have travelled and lived in other countries and understand many of the stresses and unknowns that international students face upon arrival in Canada...especially the need for friendship and language help.
Our lives have been enriched through friendships with people of many different cultural and faith backgrounds who have come from all over the world. We want to make it easier for other people to have similar life-enriching relationships. We are working in London and offer opportunities for Canadians and International students to build friendships.
Stuart & Mary Smith - London City Leaders